Income Engineering

"Income Engineering by James M. Rankin distills his 38 years of financial expertise into this must-have guide. Discover a seven-step process to achieve financial independence, covering wealth creation, budgeting, insurance, retirement planning, and investing. Rankin's insights offer a thorough roadmap to building and maintaining your wealth, making this book an invaluable resource for anyone looking to navigate their finances with confidence."

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About the Author: James Michael Rankin
James M. Rankin is a National Marketing Director for a national financial service company. He has been responsible for millions of dollars in Life, Annuity and Retirement premium. James is the author of over fourteen books including two novels, sales and marketing, literature and philosophy books. He is an award winning speaker. James is single and lives on an island off the coast of Texas. James is active in his community, church and stays in excellent shape.
This unique book will provide you with a unique insight into financial matters. You will learn the seven step process for financial independence. You will learn about the creation of wealth, budgeting, insurance needs, retirement planning and investing. There is a wealth of information on the subject of creating your wealth in this book. James M. Rankin captures his thirty-eight years in the financial industry to assist you in your quest to be financially sound. Income Engineering is a book that you will want to keep on your shelf to refer to time and again to make the right decision at the right time. It is financial literacy at its best.

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Price: $6.95 USD


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