Indian Cook Book

Contrary to popular belief, curry is not a recent culinary innovation but an ancient cooking method used not only in East India but across the Oriental and tropical regions. Curry has been perfected in India, a country with a long history of consuming these spicy dishes. While the health effects of consuming very hot spices are debated, in moderation, curry can transform inexpensive meats into delicious meals. This method of seasoning is universally appealing if done right.

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Many regard curry as one of the new things in cookery. This is a mistake. Curry is an old, old method of preparing meats and vegetables. Nor is it an East Indian method exclusively. In all Oriental and tropical countries foods are highly seasoned, and although the spices may differ, and although the methods of preparation may not be the same, nevertheless, generally speaking, the people of all Oriental countries freely indulge in curried food.

However, in India curry reaches its perfection. The people of India since Vedic times have eaten curry and always will. They eat it very, very hot, and Europeans who live in India soon find themselves falling into the habit of eating very hot and spicy foods. Whether it is good for one to eat as much hot stuff as one is expected to eat in India is a disputed point. In moderation, however, curry is not harmful, and is a very satisfactory and appetizing way of preparing scrappy and inexpensive meats. If carefully prepared, everybody is sure to like it. ....

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