About the Author: Colleen Ansley
Colleen Ansley immigrated to Canada from India. She holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Bombay, a Business Administration Certificate from Ryerson University and a Certified Human Resources Professional designation from the University of Toronto.
She enjoys painting and gardening, and regales friends with her creative and ethnic cuisine. She travels extensively and continues to explore other cultures. She lives in Toronto with her husband and two children. This is her first novel.

This riveting novel tells the story of Isabelle, a beautiful child, who grows up in the tempestuous city of Bombay. It takes readers through Isabelle's emotional roller-coaster of a journey - her childhood, her starry-eyed romance, the killing of innocence as she endures a traumatic marriage, and her final tryst with true love in Canada.
The book is richly evocative and entertaining in its portrayal of Bombay. But saddened by the overwhelming poverty, depressed over the disparities and contradictions of society, and disappointed by the taboos of colour and gender, Isabelle leaves her people and the city she loves to migrate to Canada, a new land.
Incredibly, two celestial beings follow and guide Isabelle, from above and afar, throughout her life. They don't intervene actively but subtly guide her toward contentment and love. The real merges with the surreal.
Caution: You may not be able to put this book down! You won't forget Isabelle - her joys, her pain and torment, her love, her devotion to her family and her sacrifices for it. And you will envy Isabelle for her two cosmic Samaritans!
In sum, Colleen Ansley's debut novel is a gem!
- S R Madhu, writer-editor, Chennai, India