Journey Through the 8 Stages of Grief

After losing her husband suddenly, Tammy Packard Hoffman navigated through the darkness of grief, discovering the eight stages of "The Grieving Process." Her book, "Journey through the 8 Stages of Grief," aims to help others in mourning. Each chapter breaks down a stage of grief, combines Tammy's personal journey, offers practical coping strategies, and provides comforting Bible verses. This guide offers solace and understanding for anyone grappling with loss, emphasizing support from friends and family. It's a compassionate resource for navigating life's inevitable losses.

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About the Author: Tammy Hoffman
Tammy Packard Hoffman was born in Upstate NY and grudgingly moved to Port Charlotte, FL, at the age of 14. Looking back on her life she can see how God orchestrated this move so that she could become a Christian. Two years later her family relocated to Coral Springs, FL, where she met her future husband, Gary, at their church's youth group. They became the proud parents of two beautiful daughters before their life was tragically altered. Tammy is currently a teacher and an adjunct professor. She is finishing her Ph.D. in Education at Florida Atlantic University. She remains close to her two adult daughters, Laurel and Lindsay, and enjoys exercising, photography, traveling, and anything which involves water.
Tammy Packard Hoffman’s eight years of marital bliss ended abruptly when her husband was suddenly killed and she was badly injured on the same evening. Her subsequent dark days of grieving led her on a journey where she discovered that whenever we experience any type of loss, whether it's life changing or a minor inconvenience, we go through eight different emotional and physical stages known as “The Grieving Process.” Discovering this information brought comfort and healing to Tammy, and she desires to encourage others during their grieving by educating them on “The Grieving Process.” Each chapter of "Journey through the 8 Stages of Grief" contains four sections to help those who are grieving work through their pain. The first section explains a specific stage of grieving and shares what to expect during that stage. The second section contains Tammy’s unfiltered journal entries which chronicle how she navigated through that stage. The third section gives practical steps on how to work through that stage of grieving. It also gives a list of suggestions for friends and family members who want to help someone going through a difficult time. The last section of each chapter gives Bible verses to provide comfort and encouragement. Because we will all experience several losses during our lives, it is a tremendous help to know what to expect and what to do during these times of suffering.

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Price: $9.99 USD


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