Kind A SLOw In the Kootenays

In the Kootenay Mountains of the Canadian Rockies, Kaslo stands out with its unique charm. Once avoided as cursed by First Nations, its radioactive soil's secrets remain a mystery to settlers. This book delves not into that enigma but celebrates the whimsicality of Kaslo. From the quirky attitudes possibly shaped by the altitude to the residents' lofty airs, it's a tourist haven detailed with affectionate humor.

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About the Author: RickthePoetWarrior
Rick was born in New Brunswick, Canada, the middle child of five siblings. He held a variety of interesting jobs: he was a Streaker before going to work for the Boy Scouts, and then got his degree in programming. He also worked in Egypt as a peacemaker for a year before heading back to Canada. “Half Irish, half Polish, I like forcing the round peg into the square hole, just to piss off my counsel.”
Nestled in the heart of the Kootenay Mountains range of the Canadian Rockies lies the unique little village of Kaslo. Avoided by the First Nations as a cursed place the early European invaders paid no heed and settled in. How the aboriginals knew of the radioactive nature of the soil is still unknown to 'White Man' but this book isn't about that. It's about the quirkiness of quaint attitudes, perhaps caused by the altitude or just the high airs many of the residents feel entitled to.

Still, it is one heck of a tourist destination, deserving of this glowing praise penned in light-hearted fondness.

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Price: $2.95 USD


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