Kitch & Arte: Contemporary Art & Infographics

"Kitch & Arte" by Barbara Kennedy explores the fusion of traditional oil paintings with modern technology, redefining contemporary art. It delves into the essence of painting, capturing life's depth and emotions beyond digital art's reach, challenging the divide between art and craft through organic experiences. Kennedy emphasizes art as a revolutionary process and education as its journey.

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"A visual expression combining traditional oil paintings evolving and in some cases transforming technologically into something else."

Contemporary Art & Infographics
Created by Barbara Kennedy
How something that oozes out of a thin aluminum tube and onto a primed flat white canvas can convince you of the presence of a three-dimensional world, this translucent paste that conveys the fragrances of pasture and ocean, forest and rain, was to me holy. And I wanted to affect that. I wanted to paint. To see light; to manipulate light; to share it with those who believe, and show it to those who do not.
Pundits were hard at work convincing me that a mathematical equation or physical methodology (a logarithm) could produce the same work and, with just as much depth of execution and feeling. Yet, I have never viewed a computer-generated piece of art that evoked me to tears. My work had already crossed over the line that divided art and craft. I was into feeling it organically, not just looking at a scene, owning it, or trading it. Painting with the tip of my nose was not outside my stream of executions, or behaviors, a critic once observed.


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Available in the following formats: .epub, .pdf

Price: $14.99 USD


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