Knowing Yourself...or Not

Discover the secrets of your inner self with practical exercises in this enlightening book. Uncover your unique traits, evaluate if they match your ideal self, and explore what makes you special. Understand your behavior, how you prefer to be treated, your ideal environments, and which traits may limit your success. "Knowing Yourself...or Not" offers insights into embracing and improving your true self.

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About the Author: Marti Eicholz
Marti Eicholz was born and reared in Indiana. She has graduate degrees in Education and Education Counseling. She was an Elementary School Teacher, Supervisor for Curriculum Development, Administrator of a multi-Ethnic Middle School and a University Instructor. She and her husband are now living in California, where her time is spent writing, reading, listening to music, researching human behavior, traveling and playing bridge.
This book will help you find the secrets of your innermost self.

Following a set of practical exercises you'll discover the actual traits that make you unique.

Then you will evaluate those traits to decide if your profile represents your ideal self--the self you seek to be.

Knowing Yourself...or Not explains;

What makes you special.

What makes you not so special.

Why you act the way you do.

How you like to be treated.

What settings make you most comfortable.

Personal traits that may be limiting your success.

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Available in the following formats: .epub, .pdf, .mobi

Price: $4.99 USD


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