Life in a Glass: Smoothie Secrets for Wellness and Longevity

"Life in a Glass: Smoothie Secrets for Wellness and Longevity" guides you to rejuvenate and boost wellness through liquid nutrition. This book unveils how to craft smoothies that enhance longevity, blending ingredients for optimal health benefits. From combating aging, supporting brain and heart health, to managing weight and improving hormonal balance, it covers every aspect of a vitality-boosting lifestyle. Discover recipes and wisdom to turn your daily routine into a life-enhancing tradition with your blender. Cheers to a vibrant life!

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About the Author: Life Streaming
My Name is Todd Cook. I am 61 years young. I own a SPA in Duluth Ga. and love bringing wellbeing to my customers, family and friends. My fiance gave me the idea to do a educational book on living life more healthy and longer. I have great energy, never get sick and feel good every day. I want you to do the same! I want a good quality of life till 110 if possible and the knowledge in this wonderful book, stretching and exercise will get you a healthier body and way of life! Let's do it together.

Discover the Fountain of Youth in Your Blender

Imagine sipping your way to a healthier, more vibrant you. "Life in a Glass: Smoothie Secrets for Wellness and Longevity" is your comprehensive guide to transforming your daily routine and fortifying your health with the power of liquid nutrition. Let this book become the architect of your own rejuvenation, teaching you how to create delicious smoothies that are not only a delight to your taste buds but are also meticulously crafted to enhance your longevity and wellness.

Embark on a flavorful journey beginning with Chapter 1, where you'll uncover the intersection of aging and nutrition, and embrace the smoothie lifestyle as a means to promote a youthful existence. Are you concerned about selecting the right ingredients? Chapter 2 lays the groundwork, providing you with the keys to the kingdom of nutrient synergy and the secrets behind selecting the right combinations for utmost health benefits.

Chapters 3 to 8 dive deep into smoothie recipes specifically designed to combat the worries of modern life; from vibrant, antioxidant-packed blends to immune-boosting concoctions, and smoothies crafted to support heart and brain health. Receive an education in Omega-3 rich recipes that offer cognitive support, and find out how to keep your circulatory system in tip-top shape.

Discover in Chapter 9 how hormonal balance can be achieved through mindful smoothie ingredients and adaptogens, and then march forward into Chapter 10 where weight management takes center stage with satiating and metabolism-boosting recipes to help you maintain your ideal weight while nourishing every cell in your body.

Don’t just aspire to a life of good health; make it a tangible reality with the beauty elixirs in Chapter 11, effectively turning back the hands of time from the inside out. Finally, wrap up your transformative journey with Chapter 12, where daily routines and longevity recipes become your new, life-enhancing traditions.

With "Life in a Glass: Smoothie Secrets for Wellness and Longevity", your quest for a life brimming with vitality is at hand. Your blender is not just an appliance—it's the vessel to a flourishing existence. Cheers to your health!

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Price: $5.99 USD


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