Life Leadership Model for Success and Greatness: The Portrait of a Happy Leader

"The Life Leadership Model" explores an Inside-Out leadership approach focusing on self-awareness, control, and expression. This book is structured around four quadrants addressing a leader's identity, purpose, methodology, and service, guiding readers from follower to dynamic leader. Learn to uncover your purpose, utilize resources effectively, and excel in your endeavors through self-discovery and serving others.

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About the Author: Effiom Effiong
Effiom Effiong is a Professional Public Speaker, a Mentor, a Coach and a Life Leadership Consultant. He has held different leadership positions at various levels in private and public institutions. He promotes Character, Competence, Integrity, Leadership and Service as critical pathways to purposeful living and greatness at all levels of human development.
Effiom Effiong is the founder of the Center for Character and Leadership Development (CCLD), an international organization that helps individuals and organizations develop character and leadership qualities that guarantees success, health, wealth and greatness. He is married to his amazing wife and blessed with three beautiful children.
The Life Leadership Model is a leadership philosophy that primarily deals with the leader’s self-awareness, self-control and self-expression. It is an Inside-Out leadership perspective that covers the different spheres of a leader’s existence and manifestations.
The book, which is divided into four quadrants, considers every aspect of leadership. The first quadrant deals with the leader’s personality and composition. It answers the question: Who are You? The second quadrant takes care of the leader’s assignment. You cannot be a leader if you don’t know your specific assignment. It answers the question: Why are You here? The third quadrant deals with the process the leader is expected to carry out his or her assignment. It addresses the question: How were you designed and expected to live? The fourth quadrant looks at how to serve your clients and beneficiaries with your assignment. This addresses the question: How should you serve others?
In the book you will learn how to be transformed from being a follower into a dynamic leader; how to discover your purpose and fulfil your destiny; how to deploy your resources to achieve maximum results; and how to be happy and great in any endeavour you embark on.

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Price: $9.99 USD


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