Mastering Conversational Hypnosis: Psychology Tricks to Influence People Easily and Get Exactly What You Want

Discover the power of conversational hypnosis to transform your communication skills in both personal and professional settings. This essential guide teaches you to quickly connect and influence people through effective communication. With practical techniques, learn to make others feel comfortable and open to your ideas, enhancing your persuasiveness. Ideal for CEOs, marketers, sales professionals, and anyone looking to improve their charisma and communication prowess. Master conversational hypnosis and become a compelling communicator, effortlessly swaying others to your perspective.

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About the Author: Noah-Jay Michael
Noah-Jay Michael lives in Chicago with his wife, three sons and two dogs. Even from a young age, the author was interested in language, learning to read at an early age. After receiving his Masters of Arts in Communication, the author began holding workshops in effective communication and hypnosis, helping others learn to communicate better in both their personal life and for their career.
Effective communication is necessary both in your professional and personal life. Humans are social creatures; we talk all the time. However, communication only counts if it is effective. Conversational hypnosis is the way to effective communication. The skills you learn with conversational hypnosis will help you quickly connect to people, speak to them easier, help them to understand you better, and to help influence them. Influence is a subtle thing and it is easy to do through effective communication.

This book will teach you the skills you need to learn how to communicate better through conversational hypnosis. Learn the tricks and techniques to help people feel instantly comfortable with you, so you can be more persuasive. We have all the tools you need to be a charismatic and powerful communicator, encouraging people to see your way of thinking without arguments or any negativity. This is a must have book for anyone who has to rely on communication for work, such as CEO’s, marketing, and sales departments. Give your communication skills a boost by learning conversational hypnosis.

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Price: $2.99 USD


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