Me & Sal, and the Young People

"Me & Sal, and the Young People" offers a hilarious glimpse into the lives of two elderly widows whose world is turned upside down when three young men become their neighbors. Highlighting a colossal generational gap, this story weaves together contrasting interests, delivering both wisdom and hearty chuckles. An engaging read that explores the dynamics of age and friendship.

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About the Author: Cecilia Mavrow
Cecilia Mavrow is a retired university lecturer. She is the author of 5 books including a textbook, Writing in Engineering.
She is no longer flying single engine planes, playing tennis or badminton or skiing the Vancouver Mtns or cooking Christmas dinner.
She is, however, still loving her three children and two grandchildren, playing bridge, and enjoying a good laugh.
Me & Sal, and the Young People is a humorous look at the life of two aged widows. Three young men move in across the street, - a generation gap of megaproportions - and their contrasting interests provide a thought-provoking read and some good laughs.

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Price: $5.95 USD


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