My Diploma Doesn’t Seem to Work: Principles they forgot to teach in High School

"My Diploma Doesn't Seem to Work" explores the gap between high school education and real-world success. Written by a recent grad, this book aims to shift perspectives and enhance self-awareness about our educational system. Through vignettes and analysis, it addresses crucial concepts overlooked in classrooms, offering insights for navigating life beyond school. It's a call to recognize and address the shortcomings of our educational frameworks, marking the first step towards meaningful change.

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About the Author: Moisés Castillo
Moises views himself as someone who loves to entertain individuals. Whether it is through humor, drama, or joy, evoking emotions and having the audience begin to think differently has always been his objective. He understands that communication is an important skill in life that can help influence the way the mass of men perceive you. At 18 years old he wrote 'My Diploma Doesn't Seem to Work' to address concepts that are not acknowledged in the educational system, which could shift an individual's life around if they become aware of the subjects addressed in the book. Hoping to uplift while also entertaining others with his work, Moises foresees a very bright future in helping and constantly giving back to the community in any shape or form.
"My Diploma doesn't seem to work" was written by a recent high school grad who is passionate about helping others see through an established system and find their greater potential. What you will get out of reading this book is a shifted perspective and an abundance of self-awareness of the systematic structure that every student is obligated to go through. Whether the student becomes successful outside of school, comes down to how well they are self-aware of their surroundings and environment. Concepts that the educational curriculum leaves out will be addressed in the book through a series of vignettes and analysis along with recommendations for further knowledge. High school education is a subject that should no longer be looked over, by rather understanding there is a hole in the system. And the first step in solving a problem is realizing there is a problem.

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Price: $2.99 USD


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