My Lyrical Journey: How I Painted My Heart Wide Open

"My Lyrical Journey" is a compelling collection of blog posts that delve into the transformative power of art. Through heartfelt stories, I share the canvas of my inner world—exploring fears, disappointments, and dreams. This journey of opening my heart through art has led me to discover courage, healing, strength, compassion, and love. It's a testament to how being vulnerable can paint a beautiful story of personal growth.

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About the Author: Paula Jones
I’m a creative . . . and a woman

I procrastinate. I forget things — like eating. And appointments. And returning phone calls and emails. And breathing . . . sometimes . . . until I find my shoulders up around my head. THEN I remember.

I’m insecure and I’m confident. Thank God for really good friends who talk me out of the “I’m never gonna amount to anything" phases. I’ve hurt people when I’m insecure . . . AND I love the crap outta them when I’m confident.

I paint masterpieces and I paint crap. Sometimes the crap becomes a masterpiece (if I can just relax and let it flow).

I’ve been happier than a pig in shit, and I’ve cast pearls before swine.

I’ve loved so deeply that I could barely breathe. And, I’ve cried so hard over lost loves that I could barely breathe. I believe in a power greater than who we are here on this earth — and I believe we are that power.

I’ve seen how the power of belief and hope can create castles in the sky . . . and I’ve seen how being cynical can create the opposite.

I believe that we are all connected and that there are no mistakes in this world with each connection that is made. Most are lessons in how to love ourselves more — which is the most powerful form of love there could ever be.

I’ve had babies and have the stretch marks to prove it. I have never, ever regretted it. I’m proud of having given birth. It’s my greatest accomplishment in my life.

I get ideas at the oddest times. I always try to carry something to write with so they don’t go away — because I need to have room in my mind for more to come.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to laugh — at myself, at
jokes, at almost anything. AND, I’m just as prone to cry at the drop of a hat — for some of oddest reasons — sometimes for the same reasons that I might laugh.

I love to be in nature — to feel the earth beneath my feet, to see the sky, smell the flowers.

I think outside of the box. I don’t believe there should be ANY boxes. Or judgments. We are all here for a reason. It’s not my place to judge what the reason is.

I love to create, and I hate to create. (See above. I paint masterpieces and I paint crap . . . lol) BUT, I have no other option.
It’s who I am.

I’m a crone . . . a maiden . . . and a child. I don’t feel much differently than I did when I was younger, but my body tells me another story. I have wisdom that I wish I had when I was younger.

I wish peace — and hope — and joy — AND of course love for all.
My Lyrical Journey — How I painted my heart wide open, is a collection of blog posts about how my art changed me. I've opened my heart and become transparent in many of these little stories. I share my fears, disappointments, dreams and desires. And, as a result, I have a story of painting my heart wide open and finding courage, healing, strength, compassion and love.

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Price: $7.99 USD


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