New Pounds and Inches

The HCG diet, promising rapid weight loss without hunger or exercise, was introduced in 1950 by Dr. A.T. Simeons. It involves HCG hormone injections and a strict 500-calorie diet. Despite its success, concerns about its safety and effectiveness have arisen. In "The New Pounds and Inches," Dr. Richard L. Lipman updates Simeons' plan with modern science and his experience, introducing oral HCG, an 800-calorie diet, and a more varied food selection. He addresses controversies, adds an exercise program, a maintenance plan, and HCG recipes, offering a safe and effective weight loss strategy.

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About the Author: Richard Lipman M.D.
Richard L. Lipman, BS, MD, has lived in Miami, Florida, for the past 35 years where he has practiced internal medicine and endocrinology. Dr. Lipman received his MD from the University of Pittsburgh. He did his internship and residency in internal medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Hospitals. Further postgraduate training included a two-year fellowship in endocrinology and metabolism at the University of Miami School of Medicine--Jackson Memorial Hospital. While at the University of Miami, he authored and coauthored 15 publications in the areas of glucose and growth hormone metabolism. Dr. Lipman also spent two years at the United States Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine, where he was Assistant Chief of Endocrinology, and was a staff member of the Endocrinology Division at the USAF Hospital in San Antonio, Texas. Dr. Lipman is a staff member of Larkin and Cedars Hospital in Miami, a charter member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, and a member of the American Diabetes Association and the American Association of Bariatric Physicians. Dr. Lipman is board certified in internal medicine and board eligible in endocrinology and metabolism. He has treated more than 20, 000 people with weight problems and Metabolic disorders in his Miami, Fl office.
The HCG diet has caught the attention of most overweight Americans as it promises to help the dieter lose a pound a day without hunger or cravings and without a minute of exercise. The HCG diet was conceived in 1950, by Dr. A.T. Simeons, who wrote in his booklet, Pounds and Inches, that injecting HCG, a hormone produced normally by pregnant women, could not only produce spectacular weight loss results, but at the same time "re-set" the metabolism centers in the brain permanently. Simeons' plan required daily injections of HCG, and a rigid semi-starvation 500 calorie a day diet. Although many people have been successful with the plan, an equal number have found the HCG diet difficult to follow and have increasing questions about the HCG's safety and effectiveness.

In the New Pounds and Inches, Richard L. Lipman M.D., a board certified endocrinologist and internist, updates and revises Simeons' 1954 plan using modern day science and his personal experience treating thousands of patients with HCG. Dr Lipman clarifies all of the controversies surrounding the HCG diet. The New Pounds and Inches uses oral HCG, an 800 calorie food plan, protein with all three meals, many fruits, unlimited vegetables, and many more foods, beverages and snacks unavailable to Dr. Simeons. It presents a workable exercise program, a maintenance plan and concludes with hundreds of appropriate HCG recipes. The New Pounds and Inches offers a safe, effective weight loss plan that sets the standard in weight loss for both practitioners and patients.

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