Not By Chance!

"Not By Chance!" explores the intriguing cosmic "coincidences" that enable life on Earth, suggesting the existence of a deliberate designer. With a blend of astrophysics and space communication expertise, the author examines our planet's unique conditions, like Earth's axis tilt and moon proximity, indicating they're not mere chance. The book delves into the identity of this designer and the relationship between science and faith, urging readers to reflect on life's bigger questions and their place in the universe. A compelling read for those pondering their existence and the universe.

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About the Author: Ranko Skoric
After obtaining his Electronics Engineering degree from the University of Zagreb, Croatia, and working in the area of telecommunications for several years, Ranko Skoric emigrated to Canada in 1967. A year later he was awarded the National Research Council Fellowship for postgraduate studies and research in the field of Radio Astronomy at the University of Toronto, where he also obtained a teaching position. The subject of his final thesis was a spectral analysis of the radio signals coming from the then newly discovered mysterious stars called pulsars. In addition to space research and teaching, Ranko's career also includes work in the space and terrestrial telecommunications field, as well as of a foreign correspondent for a Croatian weekly newspaper.

Over four decades ago Ranko began to take particular scientific interest in the growing number of cosmic "coincidences" that have been on an almost daily basis resulting from ongoing research and exploration of space. He soon realized (along with many other researchers) that the complexity and frequency of these so called coincidences were in fact pointing toward an extremely wise space designer. Many years of studying the identity and attributes of that Celestial Architect and His message to humanity, says Ranko, "have significantly changed my view of the world, modified my priorities and drawn me much closer to my Maker".

For the past 45 years, Ranko has lived in Toronto with his wife Minka, not far from their two grown children, Inga and Tibor, as well as two grandchildren, who love to hear their Grandpa telling stories about the stars.
The Hubble telescope captures stunning new images of our universe....Rovers comb the surface of Mars....NASA discovers an approaching asteroid threatening the Earth....As never before in history, today's society is on a quest to learn more about our place in the universe. Technological advances have allowed us to make great strides in deepening our understanding of the universe around us and our unique position in it. Drawing from his astrophysics background and work in space communications, the author of "Not By Chance!" explores a number of strange cosmic "coincidences" which enable our existence on this small terrestrial ball. Written in a popular and engaging manner, this book explores the position of our planet, the inclination of the Earth's axis, our proximity to the Moon and its size, along with a host of other factors which all point to the existence of a wise and powerful designer of the universe. This caring architect has clearly invested a great deal of effort in ensuring our survival on the planet we inhabit. There are just too many coincidences to be explained away as occurring only by chance.

It is hoped that the material presented will compel the reader to ponder these inevitable questions: Who is the designer? Why does he have such a great concern for us? How does he reveal himself to humankind?

With these and similar fundamental questions about the meaning of life and our existence, we'll enter the final portion of the book. In it we shall try to discover the identity of the creator of the universe. Are science and faith mutually exclusive, or are they perhaps complementary?

"Not By Chance!" offers a provocative read for those seeking answers about their place in the universe. Drawing on scientific and biblical evidence, it contextualizes readers' lives in the grand scheme of things and compels them to take control of their eternal destiny.

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