Not Ready for Granny Panties--The 11 Commandments for Avoiding Granny Panties

Realize you're aging but not ready to embrace granny panties? Mary Fran Bontempo's guide is here to help you dodge the middle-aged stereotype. Learn the Commandments to stay vibrant and say farewell to the old hag in the mirror. Get ready to laugh, learn, and love your middle years without succumbing to granny chic.

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About the Author: Mary Fran Bontempo
MARY FRAN BONTEMPO is an author, teacher and speaker who writes with humor and insight about the lives of women, especially as they journey through life's various phases. Her first book, Everyday Adventures or, As My Husband Says, "Lies, Lies and More Lies", chronicles her adventures in modern-day womanhood. Her work has won numerous awards, including notable mention by the Erma Bombeck Writer's Workshop and Humor Press. She currently writes for her blog, Not Ready For Granny Panties (, and Technorati Media.
It happens to the best of us. On a day like any other, you look in the mirror and find a cranky, worn-out, middle-aged woman staring back at you. A woman who is firmly strapped into a giant pair of GRANNY PANTIES.

Yes, aging is inevitable, but looking, and acting, like your grandma is not. So join Mary Fran Bontempo and learn a new set of Commandments that will enable you to avoid the Granny Panties and love life in the middle years. You'll laugh, learn a few things and with any luck, bid a permanent goodbye to GRANNY PANTIES and the old hag in the mirror!

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Price: $7.99 USD


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