Nutrition, Health, Myths and All That

This book uncovers the pivotal link between nutrition and health, debunking myths perpetuated by faulty science. Revisiting Hippocrates' wisdom, "Let food be thy medicine," it questions modern neglect of diet in medical practice. With historical insights, it argues that not all organic food offers superior nutritional density. Highlighting how flawed scientific claims have misled us, it also acknowledges two other critical factors that impact health nearly as much as nutrition, despite WHO findings on diseases' nutrition links.

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About the Author: Frank Tennant
When studying Agricultural Science over 50 years ago I spent a year working on the farm of Friend Sykes one of the first organic farmers - he was in his 70's when I met him and was finishing his third book. He was an advisor to many estates in UK, South Africa, South America and Australia. He was one of the founders of the Soil Association with Lady Eve Balfour in UK. It was that experience that started my thinking about the importance of the source of foods although it was only about 30 years ago that I started take a real interest and begin to understand what he was really talking about.

After completing my studies in UK I drove through Africa for a year with a view to checking out the farming options in some of those countries. One of my assignments at that time was to record some short interviews for a BBC Rural Programme.

I continued on to Australia and spent my first two years on the land. I then joined a company where I was able to advise farmers and from there drifted into marketing and management but for many years I was still associated with the land.

In the 1990's I started a monthly news sheet for a business association. This sheet was focussed on health related products and encouraged me to further my reading.

A couple of years ago, with my leg in plaster for ten weeks, I decided to pen a summary of what I had gleaned. This book is that summary.
This book is the result of many years wading through myths about health and identifying the link between nutrition and health. Some of these myths have been diversions created by 'science'. Hypocrates, know as the father of modern medicine, said 'Let food be thy medicine'. One of the first things he asked a patient was what they had been eating. How many medical practitioners ask that these days?

It's the source of our food that is important. The book provides historical evidence to support this and points out that organic is not necessarily nutritionally more dense.

The book points out how some science, faulty for whatever reason, has led us astray.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has not been able to find a single disease that is not linked to nutrition. However, the author points out two other factors that come a close equal second.

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Price: $4.99 USD


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