Out of Office: Using the Internet for Greater Freedom in Your Work Life

Imagine a life with no daily office commute, enjoying quality time with family, increased productivity, and a flexible schedule. This isn't a fantasy. The Internet has made remote work a reality for millions. This book shows how to leverage the Internet to work from anywhere, maintaining visibility and effectiveness, whether you want to go remote part-time or full-time. It's for anyone seeking convenience, comfort, and freedom in their job or business.

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Author Photo
About the Author: Gihan Perera
Gihan Perera is a consultant, speaker and author who helps professional
speakers, trainers, coaches, consultants, thought leaders and other business
professionals to leverage their products, services and business practices --
particularly on-line. He runs his own Web design and consulting business, based
in his home town of Perth, Australia, but with most of his clients elsewhere.
This gives him flexibility with both working hours and location.

Chris Pudney is a data visualization consultant and software developer. He
helps clients gain insight into, and understanding from, their business data
through the application of novel visualization techniques. He works as a
contractor, developing software for a multinational company with employees
located throughout the world. He works remotely, full-time from his home in
What would your life be like if you didn't have to spend every working day at an office?

Perhaps you would have a more enjoyable work environment, be able to spend more quality time with your family, reduce or eliminate the time and expense of a daily commute, reduce interruptions and increase productivity, be more flexible with scheduling personal tasks, and enjoy a more relaxing lifestyle.

This is not just a pipe dream. The Internet makes this possible and practical for millions of people, and you could be one of them.

This book is for you if you like your job or your business, but you'd like to use the Internet to give you more convenience, comfort and freedom in where and when you work. It will help you move "out of office", part-time or full-time, without being out of sight and out of mind.

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Available in the following formats: .epub, .pdf, .mobi

Price: $9.99 USD


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