Parenting Done Right: An Easy Guide for Raising a Child That You Can Be Proud of

Raising kids is tough, especially without a manual. You're taught the basics—diaper changing, feeding—but what next? This book acts as your guide to nurturing a child you'll be proud of, steering clear of bratty behaviors and fostering respect, obedience, and success. A lifeline for parents feeling lost, it aims to create a happy, healthy, and well-mannered child ready to take on the world.

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About the Author: Judie O. Michael
Judie O. Michael is an elementary school teacher who is the mother of four children and has one more on the way. She has been a school teacher in the Los Angeles area for ten years. Her husband is a child psychologist and together they have perfected how to raise children. The author uses her methods of positive reinforcement in her classrooms and it has worked so well that the school has made it a school-wide policy.
Children are a big responsibility but they fail to come with a manual or a guidebook. They teach you how to change their diaper and how to feed them, but then you get sent home and now what? New parents, and even old parents, can feel lost and overwhelmed about how to raise their children. It is easy to know what kind of child you don't want, but how to get the child that you do want?

This book is your guideline and your lifeline to raising a child that you can be proud of. Nobody wants to have a bratty child whose favorite word is no and who never listens; and this book will ensure that your child grows up with none of those bad traits and has all of the good ones.

Learn how to raise a child who is happy, healthy, respectful and obedient; a child who is well equipped to succeed in life.

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Price: $3.99 USD


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