Pee Wee the Christmas Tree

Pee Wee, a small tree on a Christmas farm, has always struggled to grow due to lack of sunlight. Overlooked every year, he loses hope of ever bringing joy to a family during the holidays. Just when Pee Wee thinks it's impossible, he's chosen by two children who see him as the perfect tree. Taken home and decorated, Pee Wee finally fulfills his dream of making children happy at Christmas, teaching us to never give up on our dreams and to keep believing.

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For years, Pee Wee has lived in the shadow of the bigger trees on the Christmas farm. Without enough sunlight to grow tall and strong, he has been forced to watch helplessly as the other bigger and more attractive trees are picked every year, going home with a happy family. Just as Pee Wee is about to give up hope that he will ever get the chance to bring joy to a family during the holiday season, he is finally cut down to be sold! At the Christmas tree lot, he was again overlooked. No one wanted a small tree. With his dream of celebrating Christmas with a family of his own, fading fast, he was discovered by two children who tell their father that they found one that is the perfect size. Driven back to their home and adorned with lights and decorations, Pee Wee is finally able to accomplish his life’s big dream: to make children happy at Christmas! The moral to the story is never, never give up on your dreams. Keep the faith, work hard always believing in your dream.

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Price: $2.99 USD


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