Positive Humanism: A Primer

"Positive Humanism is a secular philosophy rooted in positive psychology for enhancing well-being. Focusing on personal and societal flourishing, it avoids the supernatural, promoting reason and critical thinking. Science-based, it eschews self-help exaggerations and causation errors, grounding itself in theories of human thriving."

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About the Author: Bo Bennett, PhD
Bo's interest in psychology began as an undergraduate studying marketing, specifically, consumer behavior. After many years immersed in the business world, Bo returned to school and received his master's degree in general psychology. He continued to the PhD program in social psychology, focusing on social, cognitive, and positive psychology. Bo has currently completed the classwork requirements for the PhD program and is finishing up his dissertation in the area of social intelligence.

Bo's personal motto is "Expose an irrational belief, keep a person rational for a day. Expose irrational thinking, keep a person rational for a lifetime." Much of his charitable work is in the area of education—not teaching people what to think, but how to think. His projects include his book, The Concept: A Critical and Honest Look at God and Religion, and Logically Fallacious, the most comprehensive collection of logical fallacies. Bo's personal blog is called Relationship With Reason, where he writes about several topics related to critical thinking. His secular (humanistic) philosophy is detailed at PositiveHumanism.com.

Bo is currently the producer and host of The Humanist Hour, the official broadcast of the American Humanist Association, where he can be heard weekly discussing a variety of humanistic issues, mostly related to science, psychology, philosophy, and critical thinking.
Positive humanism is an applied secular humanistic philosophy based on the scientific findings of positive psychology that focuses on personal, professional, and societal flourishing. As an applied philosophy its focus is on ideas that lead to increased well-being. As a secular humanistic philosophy, there are no appeals to the supernatural, the magical, or the mystical. The philosophy is founded on reason and critical thinking. The philosophy is science-based, meaning it is void of the unsupported and/or exaggerated claims and the constant confusing of correlation with causality often found in the self-help genre. The philosophy is grounded in the theories of positive psychology, which is the study of the positive side of the mental health spectrum—human flourishing.

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