Prayers from Revelations of Divine Love

This book is a reflective translation of Julian of Norwich's sixteen divine revelations. A 14th-century mystic, Julian offers insights into the Trinity, God's benevolence, and the connection between the divine and human spirit. After receiving these revelations, she spent two decades in contemplation before penning her extended eighty-six-chapter manuscript. It explores the soul's journey towards God, stages of devotion, and divine guidance. This summarization transforms Julian's meditations on divine grace and the human-divine connection into prayer, encapsulating her profound spiritual experiences and contemplations.

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About the Author: David McDermott
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Translated from Julian of Norwich. A 14th Century Mystic. The Prayers are a reflective translation of the sixteen revelations from God imparted to Julian of Norwich that define the Trinty, the Personification and the association between God and man's higher entity, with infinite discernment and benevolence. After experiencing the "Revelations" Mother Julian spent twenty years in reflection. After being imparted with "innermost enlightenment" she wrote her longer version of eighty-six chapters. It describes the rise of man's higher entity towards God; the various stages of the devotional life; the undertaking imparted by God in this evolution; and Mother Julian's perspective in consideration of God. In brief the book is a translation into prayer reflecting on the sixteen revelations of benevolence imparted to Mother Julian of Norwich by Jesus Christ in the fourteenth century.

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Price: $12.99 USD


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