Prison Puzzle Pieces: The realities, experiences and insights of a corrections officer doing his time in Historic Stillwater Prison

"PRISON PUZZLE PIECES" is a gripping non-fiction series by a former corrections officer and stand-up comedian. Working at Stillwater Prison, Minnesota, he gives an inside look at the prison system through harrowing and humorous events. His unique perspective, respected by inmates yet dangerous due to workplace ethics, reveals the life within the walls. With historic tidbits, like the Younger Brothers, and personal inmate letters, the series explores the complex, often shocking dynamics of prison life, including friendships with inmates and conflicts with corrupt officers.

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About the Author: Dave Basham
The author is qualified to write these books because of his life experiences of which working in the prison was one.

Becoming a corrections officer was not a lifelong dream. It became his occupation when as an old guy, he needed a job and the state was not allowed to discriminate due to age.

He was able to relate to the inmates because he came from an abusive home as did many of the inmates.

Being shy to the point of being unintentionally rude, he tackled that by becoming a standup comedian. He learned how to handle tough audiences of which supervising a collection of felons more than qualified.

Through his life, his experiences taught him that many people he thought were decent really weren't. He learned that many people talk a big game but do nothing. He learned to be wary of everyone including officers.

He grew up in a time where the baldies and greasers were gangs in his area. Where when running a restaurant one night, an ex-con pulled a gun on him. Because he was taking the man to court, a price was put on his head by that cons gang. He was shot at and attempts were made to run him over before the case wound up in court.

He stood up to a gang in junior high school. Despite the beatings, he continued to defy them. No matter the odds, he always stood up for those weaker or afraid. He stood up against injustice.<br><br>Don't ask for his opinion unless you really want it, because it’s been said that he is painfully blunt. He tells it like it is.

Through his managerial jobs he learned to empower people to think for themselves and make proper choices.

He doesn’t try to be different; he just is. He has to work at blending in with what is perceived to be normal.
PRISON PUZZLE PIECES (the first of a three volume series) is a non-fiction account of a corrections officer working in Stillwater Prison in Minnesota after he stopped traveling the country performing standup comedy and improv. Through examples, explanations and experiences, he explains how the entire system works, piece by piece, by presenting hundreds of events that occurred in that dysfunctional little city contained within those walls and razor ribbon. His unique perspectives earned him the respect of inmates and officers; on the other hand his life was in constant danger from other inmates and officers for him doing his job ethically.

All of this is presented from the author’s unique perspective. It contains some historic background and events pertaining to that prison; such as the infamous Younger Brothers. There is no way to explain every aspect of this restricted society, but these books come close. Many of the things that go on in the prison that have life and death consequences and are shocking can also have a very humorous side. Background on the officer is given to help you to understand how he made his decisions, whether you agree with them or not. Officers are gradually educated through strange and bizarre experiences on the job that can’t be imagined. Letters from the inmates to the officer give insight to their various states of mind. You will learn of the different areas of the prison such as visiting, shakedown, dining hall, cell blocks, segregation, etc., how it all works and what goes on there that can be inspiring or downright disgusting. Many strange relationship dynamics exist like the officers best mentor being a convicted mass murderer, inmates that break their code and have his back, the institutions most feared inmate becoming his friend, corrupt officers harassing him and deliberately placing him in dangerous situations, and inmate relationships of all sorts. Nothing is embellished. Nothing need be embellished.

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Price: $4.99 USD


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