Problem-Free Diabetes : Controlling Diabetes With the Help of The Power of Your Metabolism

Discover practical steps to manage diabetes with this informative guide. Learn how yeast affects blood sugar, apply the 3x1 Diet® for balance, identify hidden food triggers, decode food labels, and understand cholesterol's true impact. Overcome glucose resistance, explore natural supplements, and adjust sleep for better control. This book simplifies complex medical advice into actionable tips to improve your metabolism and see immediate results in managing diabetes.

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About the Author: Frank Suarez
Frank Suarez, author of the book The Power of Your Metabolism and recipient of the Latino Literary Award, conquered his own obesity and pre-diabetic diagnosis; he went on to establish the most successful weight-loss program in Puerto Rico with his NaturalSlim Centers. Frank Suarez is the creator and personality of the MetabolismoTV show (in Spanish) an educational program that touches on subjects such as the metabolism, diabetes, weight loss, high blood pressure and others.
Practical recommendations for improving diabetes and its related conditions. Includes information on how candida albicans, a yeast, can affect diabetics, the 3x1 Diet® for diabetics, how to find aggressor foods that can spike up blood glucose levels, how to read tricky labels, the truth about cholesterol, what to do when blood glucose levels are resistive and won't go down, natural supplements that can help a diabetic, the sleep patterns that affect diabetes, foods that benefit a diabetic condition and more. This book has hundreds of pages on the subject of diabetes and what practical recommendations you can start applying immediately to improve your condition and get it under control. The intent of the book is to explain in simple terms what most medical or technical books detail in a confusing or incomprehensible way. It emphasizes the metabolism as the principle factor to address and improve in order to improve diabetes. The premise of the book is PRACTICALITY, things to DO and IMPLEMENT immediately to start seeing results and measuring more desirable glucose levels immediately.

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Price: $9.99 USD


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