About the Author: Susan Tordella
Susan Tordella, M.A., is a parenting expert, speaker, author and encouragement guru.
Susan leads scores of workshops on how to get people of all ages to do what you want '-- also known as "management skills."
Susan spent 13 years at "management boot camp" by living with four teenagers and even worse, sharing her car with them. "Parenting taught me the power of encouragement instead of criticism, listening instead of lectures, and laughter instead of going berserk," Susan says.
Susan can be heard on WCAP 980 radio every Monday morning as the Parenting Expert. She is the author of "Raising Able: how chores cultivate capable young people" and the e-book, "‘Are you ready yet?' Transform morning havoc to harmony."
Susan mentors prison inmates on public speaking and teamwork, and involves other volunteers to start new prison programs.
A former newspaper editor and director of a private non-profit that served Fortune 500 companies, Susan received multiple awards for excellence in both fields.
Susan lives by this personal manifesto: "If you can't laugh at it, you can't live with it."

Give your children the gift of self-esteem, self-confidence and skills to succeed in life.
Learn to empower children to make good decisions when they become teenagers and they're 60 miles away, going 60 miles an hour.
Start when they are young by learning the Raising Able Family Management System based on:
- family meetings, family chores, family dinner;
- the triple e - encouragement, entitlement, empowerment; and
- natural and logical consequences.
Parents will be calmer and happier and be able to retire from being the house servant.
Children will learn skills, time management, and responsibility.
They will experience being part of a team and greater self-esteem and self-confidence.
Chores counteract entitlement because it's impossible to feel entitled when youngsters clean toilets, sweep floors and rake leaves.
Chores cure boredom immediately because there's always more work to be done in a home.
This easy-to-read book offers time-tested advice by the mother of four children who has taught many parents the Raising Able Family Management System.
The system is useful for typical children AND for special needs children. ADD recommend the Raising Able Family Management system for use with young people with ADD and ADHD.