Reclaiming Prophecy

Darin Slack's book addresses the challenge of embracing prophetic ministry in the Church without the confusion and misuse often associated with it. Drawing on thirty years of experience, Slack offers a biblically sound approach that discourages doctrinal disorder and promotes a balanced view of prophecy. His guidance aims to empower Church leaders from all doctrinal backgrounds with a faith-building process for prophecy that edifies the Church. A vital read for pastors and Church leaders seeking to scripturally implement prophetic ministry.

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About the Author: Darin Slack
Darin Slack is a commissioned Ephesians 4 prophet and bi-vocational prophetic team leader at Metro Life Church in Casselberry, Florida. He is the founder of National Football Academies, a nationally renowned quarterback/skill camp program. He is married to Lesli, his wife of over twenty-five years. They have five amazing children.
Is there a way to experience prophetic ministry in a God-honoring way—without all the mess and confusion?

Prophetic ministry is the Holy Spirit's gift to the Church. Yet this gift has been abused, confused, and misused, making it difficult for today's Church leaders to embrace.

With biblically sound delivery, Darin Slack offers a compelling perspective based on his thirty years of experience in prophetic ministry. He challenges indifference and complacency, while discouraging doctrinal disorder in the administration of the gift. Slack provides a powerful and much needed balance that will allow Church leaders to see the great potential for blessing in the prophetic while reducing the risk. Through Scripture, Slack offers leaders, from all doctrinal backgrounds, a faith-building process for realizing prophecy that leads to Church edification. (1 Cor. 14:3)

This book is a must-have for every pastor or Church leader who desires to scripturally understand and implement prophetic ministry.

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Price: $7.99 USD


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