Releasing The Blueprint Of Heaven: A Leader's Guide For Cultivating An Apostolic People Who Expand The Kingdom Of God

"Releasing The Blueprint Of Heaven" by Greg Wallace provides a revolutionary approach to leadership for expanding God's Kingdom. Challenging believers to exercise apostolic influence, Wallace demystifies the concept, making it accessible to all. Endorsed by Bishop Chironna and Coach Cafarchio, it's a guide to impactful leadership.

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About the Author: Greg Wallace
GREG WALLACE is passionate about activating God’s people to advance Kingdom culture. He leads a relational community of apostolic and prophetic leaders devoted to doing just that. He regularly teaches, writes, and consults on ways we can bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. Greg is the author of five other books, including Apostolic Governance in the 21st Century, which helps leaders build transformational ministries. He and his wife, Linda, parent a blended family of four children and six grandchildren.
Releasing The Blueprint Of Heaven is a groundbreaking framework for exercising difference-making leadership that activates people to expand the Kingdom of God.

"We are called to be apostolic, in other words, we are called to reproduce." Bishop Mark J. Chironna, PhD. "Greg Wallace gets to the essence of the apostolic. He unpacks it in a way that demystifies what was previously a lofty concept for a chosen few, and makes it available to you, me, and anyone seeking to bring the kingdom of God to our everyday spheres of influence." Pete Cafarchio, Executive Coach