Sales Encyclopedia: The most comprehensive

"Sales Encyclopedia is the ultimate guide on selling, offering 678 pages of in-depth knowledge and techniques. It covers traditional and unique sales strategies, including rapport building, maintaining the right image, and strategic nuances like the importance of your parking space. With advice from six top sales experts boasting over 141 years of combined experience, this book is essential for aspiring top salespeople, providing insights to excel in various sales environments and secure a competitive edge."

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About the Author: John Chapin
John Chapin is an award winning speaker, author, trainer, and coach with over 21 years of extensive sales and sales management experience. In his 21 years, John has sold in some of the toughest markets and economies.

Prior to starting Complete Selling Inc., John sold bank equipment for Diebold, Inc. where he became the top salesperson in New England during his first year. John also spoke about his sales success at both semi-annual and annual sales meetings.

Prior to Diebold, John worked for Micro Arc Welding Company where he took a three year-old, non-profitable branch of the business, which was only in two States at the time, and made it profitable within four months. He expanded the business to 48 States and five continents within two years and through expansion of the one branch, doubled total company revenues by using simple sales tools such as telemarketing and print ads.

John started his sales career as a stock broker at age of 21, and one month later the stock market fell 22% in one day. John thrived in this tough market and went on to become the youngest branch manager for a national brokerage firm. And while still managing his own accounts, he brought the branch from a ranking of 46th out of 52 to 11th.

As a number one sales rep in three industries, John has sold products, services, tangibles, and intangibles locally, nationally, and internationally. His vast know-how is in both face-to-face and telemarketing sales. His market experience spans both business-to-business and individual consumers. John has sold both established and completely new, first-time-ever products and services for companies both large and small. And he has excelled in all those environments.

John has spoken at over 110 Real Estate Offices, Rotary Clubs, Chambers of Commerce, and various other companies and events over the past year and a half.
Sales Encyclopedia is the most comprehensive how-to guide ever written on the subject of selling. This 678 page volume covers all areas of selling in depth and gives specific detail about how to execute. It also covers areas which are not included in any other sales books such as:
• Intricate subtleties of rapport building
• Making sure everything about you portrays the right image
• How to be in line for the job when competitors don't come through
• What testimonials never to show your prospect
• How the parking space you choose can make or break the entire sales call
• What single bit of information you can give out effortlessly to a prospect that puts you miles ahead of the competition
• Subtleties of eye contact that can make or break trust instantly

The six authors are some of the most highly skilled and experienced salespeople around. They have a combined total of over 141 years of real world selling experience in many industries, in both face-to-face and telemarketing sales. They have been top salespeople in each industry in which they have sold.

This book contains the key information that can make you a top salesperson, and if you're already there, this book can make you even better.

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Available in the following formats: .epub, .pdf, .mobi

Price: $44.99 USD


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