On July 28, 1914, a war began that would become one of history's deadliest conflicts, marking the start of WWI. This senseless war stemmed from a tangled web of alliances and political maneuvers. It was not only a precursor to WWII but also paved the way for decades of communism. Amidst this chaos, the story of Sam Mason, a 19-year-old mathematical prodigy, unfolds. Murdered at the battle of Somme just shy of his 20th birthday, Sam's potential was lost to a war beyond his understanding. This book explores the tragedy of his death and the futility of a conflict that claimed millions of innocent lives.

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WWI, LOSSES, WASTE, STUPIDITY, POLITICS, WAR, MADNESS. On July 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. This set the Triple Alliance (Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy) against Serbia’s allies in the Triple Entente (Russia, France, and Britain).Eventually, the momentum became unstoppable, sparking one of the dumbest and bloodiest conflicts in history. Incidentally, WWI also set the stage for WWII 22 years later as well as making possible 70 years of brutal communism. This book is about this terrible conflict and also we tell the story of a very special British boy murdered in this deadly, avoidable and utterly senseless war- a war not of his making and indeed not of his or anyone's understanding. We discuss Sam Mason, a 19 year old, murdered a day before his 20th birthday at the battle of Somme. Sam was a mathematical Genius, a child prodigy, gifted far beyond his contemporaries. The British Government never should have allowed his enlistment. Sam was a national treasure. His potential for bettering the lives of all was enormous but tragically, we will never know.

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