Secrets of a Make a Difference Life

Want to leave a lasting impact and live a life that really matters? Surrounded by the world's suffering, you're positioned uniquely in God's plan, much like Nehemiah—an ordinary individual with an extraordinary role. Dive into "Secrets of a Make a Difference Life" to uncover how you, too, can overcome everyday challenges of anger, depression, and selfishness to truly make a difference. Discover your purpose and start affecting change for Christ today. Embrace your role in God's greater plan.

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About the Author: Ron Hutchcraft
Ron Hutchcraft is committed to communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost in their language and to motivating and equipping believers to communicate Christ to the lost in their world. In all he does, he seeks to reach the lost and the young with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.

A veteran of over 43 years of youth and family work, Mr. Hutchcraft has presented the Gospel across North America and around the world. Ron presents Christ to various people groups through parenting seminars, singles' events, youth outreaches, and business/professional dinners. Mr. Hutchcraft is also involved in ongoing ministry outreach to and with Native Americans, and is founder of the "On Eagles' Wings" Native ministry. He has also spoken at NFL and Major League Baseball chapels.
Do you want to make a greater difference with your life? Are you thinking about the legacy you will leave behind and your impact on the lives of others?

All around you every day is the loneliness, the brokenness, and the pain of this world. You are surrounded by anger, depression, selfishness, and pride. You are in such a decisive position in the plan of God because of where He's placed you, just like Nehemiah.

God had great plans for Nehemiah's future. He was not a priest, not a king, and not a prophet. He was an ordinary guy who made an extraordinary difference. If you have that restlessness, and if you want to make a far greater difference with the rest of your life, look at Nehemiah and the secrets to a make-a-difference life.

God has positioned you where you are for His purpose. Discover the "Secrets of a Make a Difference Life" and begin making a difference for Christ today.

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