Simple Project Management for Small Business: Six Easy Steps to Success

Facing tough problems as a small business owner? This eBook guides you on using project management to overcome obstacles for success. Learn why project management is crucial, how to start managing projects in six easy steps, tackle common project issues, and choose the right software in five steps. Delight your customers with minimal confusion and errors.

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About the Author: Christophe Primault
Christophe is the co-founder of GetApp, the #1 Cloud Business Apps Marketplace. He writes and publishes eBooks about cloud computing trends and provides tips on how businesses can benefit from cloud-based apps to improve their profit.
If you are a small business owner it's likely you've encountered problems in your business that were tough to solve. Using a project management approach in your business can help you overcome obstacles so you can be successful and it will help you minimize confusion, rework, errors and best of all, it can help you delight your customers.

This eBook includes:

1) Four reasons why project management is so valuable to small business.
2) Six easy steps to start managing projects in your business.
3) Four common problems with projects that could cause you to fail (and how to overcome them).
4) Five steps to finding the right project management software for your business.

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Price: $0.99 USD


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