Somewhere Lost

This poetry collection delves into Jasen's interactions with individuals battling substance abuse, aiming to honor their fight towards freedom without ridicule. Offering an insightful perspective shaped by growing up amidst addiction, Jasen weaves his and others' stories, searching for hope within a challenging urban life. It's an homage to struggle and resilience, shedding light on addiction as a disease rather than a fault.

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About the Author: Jasen Sousa
Jasen has sold thousands of his books throughout the United States. He
frequently travels across the country making guest appearances at book shows, high schools and colleges to talk about his life, his writing and future visions he has for his company, J-Rock Publishing. Jasen graduated from Emerson College in Boston with a Bachelor's Degree in Writing,
Literature and Publishing, and just recently graduated from Pine Manor College where he attained his MFA in Creative Writing.
This collection of poems chronicles Jasen's relationships with people who have had substance abuse problems in their lives. This collection is not intended to ridicule those who have suffer from addiction, but rather show respect to their struggle to become free again. Addiction is not a fault or a weakness, it is a disease , and it just so happens that many of the people Jasen grew up with suffer from this disease, which puts the author in a unique position to tell this story, his story, and their stories, while trying to find some type of hope inside of this lonely, and repetitive urban

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Price: $8.99 USD


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