About the Author: Dr. Don
Recently Dr. Don suggested to his wife that he wants to go back to school and earn a PhD, to which she quipped, "With your next wife!" So in the spirit of Dr. Seuss, Dr. Don has given himself an honorary doctorate and writes under the pseudonym Dr. Don.
Dr. Don writes a health and wellness blog at www.SPFZero.org. The topic is especially personal because both of his parents died of cancers related to sunshine deficiency. Follow his blog at www.SPFZero.org and like SPF Zero's Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/SPFZeroBook. Dr. Don also speaks professionally; you may contact him at SPFZero@comcast.net for comments or to set up speaking engagements.
Over the last 13 years, Dr. Don has reviewed hundreds of research studies, delivered dozens of speeches, written countless blogs, and is here to say,
"Nature got it right; you need sunhine, like you need food, air, and water. Just never sunburn."

Designed as sunburn prevention, chemical sunscreen has become an overused, everyday product. The problem is sunscreen chemicals are endocrine disruptors, mutagens, and carcinogens, they block vitamin D production, kill coral reefs, and transform male fish to female.
A study of the 500 most popular chemical sunscreen products found that nearly half may actually cause skin cancer, and nearly all—461 out of 500—chemical sunscreen products were actually unsafe to use. None of the chemical sunscreen products prevent skin cancer. In short, the overuse of chemical sunscreen is pandemic and is contributing to many deficiency diseases affecting large populations across many countries.
Today the chemical sunscreen industry easily pulls in $5 billion a year. Chemical sunscreen, SPF (Sunburn Prevention Factor), is found in suntan lotion, lip balm, lipstick, facial creams, body lotion, shampoos, and yes, even night creams. To turn an occasional-use product into a daily-use product, cosmeceutical companies fabricated a state of fear known as Sun Scare.
You don't have to avoid the sun or sunbeds, just avoid sunburn. SPF Zero proves nature got it right; you need sunshine like you need food, air, and water.