Stop Bullies Now: How to Protect Your Child Against School Bullies and Cyber Bullies

"Stop Bullies Now" equips parents, teachers, and students with practical ways to protect against school and cyber bullies. Derived from author Anne Marie's own bullying experience, it's crafted to make schools safer. Learn to identify, prevent, and handle bullying; know the bullies and their tactics. Discover how to aid victims, reprogram bullies, and foster a bully-free environment. This guide emphasizes healing, self-esteem repair, and the urgent need to safeguard children's well-being and happiness.

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About the Author: Anne Marie
Anne Marie was a victim of school bullies. When she was in Primary School, the school bullies extorted money from her on a daily basis. She was deprived of her school pocket money and went hungry. The ordeal lasted six months. The problem was resolved after she confided her problem to her father.

Now as a mother, she does not wish any children to suffer the same fate as her. She believes that children are most vulnerable and if unchecked, this problem can lead to depression and suicide. It is her wish for every school to be a safe haven for children to learn, to grow and to be a place of happiness. There is no place for bullies in school.

For the safety and happiness of our children, we must bully-proof our loved one against school bullies.
Protect Your Child from School Bullies and Cyber Bullies Once And For All

Most students are ever bullied at schools at some point of their lives. Sadly, some are driven to suicide. If your child is being bullied in school, now is the time to take control of the situation, to stand up for their rights and stop being a victim. It is time to stop the bullies from ruining your child's life.

This guide has the answers. It is written especially for parents, teachers and students.

"Stop Bullies Now - How to Protect Your Child Against School Bullies and Cyber Bullies" shows you what you can do as a victim, a parent, a teacher, a school counsellor and as a bystander.

There is something to learn for everyone. By learning about anti-bullying tips in this guide, you can do your part to bully-proof your child against school bullies.

Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...

- Facts about bullying
- Identify the various forms of bullying
- Effects of bullying
- What kind of people are vulnerable to bullying. How not to be one of them
- Who are the bullies. What make them become bullies
- How to deal with cyber bullying
- The seriousness of cyber bullying
- Forms of cyber bullying
- How to deal with malicious emails

For school staff (including teachers and counsellors)
- 6 effective ways to prevent bullying in the school bus
-4 ways to prevent a culture of bullying
- How to deprogram a bully
- How to integrate a disabled student in the classroom

For Parents
- What to do if your child is a bully
-What makes your child a bully
-Signs that your child is being bullied
-What to do when your child is being bullied - how to help your child

For Students
-How to deter bullying
-What to do when confronted by the bully
-How to deal with verbal bullying
-What to do after a bully incident
-How to get rid of the bully
-Healing therapy for the victim
-How to repair damage self esteem

The author, Anne Marie was a victim of school bullies. When she was in Primary School, the school bullies extorted money from her on a daily basis. She was deprived of her school pocket money and went hungry. The ordeal lasted six months. The problem was resolved after she confided her problem to her father.

Now as a mother, she does not wish any children to suffer the same fate as her. She believes that children are most vulnerable and if unchecked, this problem can lead to depression and suicide. It is her wish for every school to be a safe haven for children to learn, to grow and to be a place of happiness. There is no place for bullies in school.

For the safety and happiness of our children, we must bully-proof our loved one against school bullies.

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Available in the following formats: .epub, .mobi

Price: $2.99 USD


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