Stories of Birds

On a bright winter day, Phyllis, bundled in a scarlet coat and warm leggings, explored the snowy landscape. Venturing through deep drifts to a garden fence, she rested, catching her breath. Suddenly, a sweet whistle startled her. A cheery bird, seemingly seeking a playfellow, flew close, captivating Phyllis with its curious gaze.

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It was a bright, wintry day. The frost jewels sparkled on the snow. The winds blew cutting cold from the north.

Phyllis, in her scarlet coat and cap, and long, warm leggings, waded in the deepest drifts she could find.

Out by the garden fence was the greatest drift. After floundering through it, Phyllis climbed up and perched on the top rail of the fence.

She sat quite still, for she was almost breathless after her struggle in the snow.

Suddenly, just over her head, Phyllis heard a whistle. She started so that she almost fell from the fence.

Again came the whistle, clear, sweet, and long drawn out. Phyllis looked up, and there on the branch of the elm-tree sat a cheery little bird.

With a third whistle he flew down to the fence and perched beside Phyllis.

He came quite close and stared at the little girl in a gay, curious manner, as though he might be looking for a playfellow.

"Who are you?" asked Phyllis, ......

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