Strategies for a Successful Retirement: Before, During, & After

Preparation is the key to a successful retirement. This book guides through every phase—Before, During, & After retirement. Early chapters lay the foundation: company retirement plans, Social Security, healthcare, and budgeting. Then, it focuses on income stability and minimizing taxes. Finally, it tackles estate planning, detailing common mistakes and how to avoid them. A comprehensive strategy for retirees aiming for financial peace of mind.

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About the Author: John Lau
John Lau is the founder, President, and CEO of LFS Asset Management (LFS).

John has had more than twenty-years of experience in serving the retirees market with a holistic approach - including tax planning, investment planning, estate planning, retirement planning, and risk management planning. John Lau is a Certified Financial Planner, a CPA, and he has earned a Masters Degree in Taxation with a concentration in Estates and Trusts.

John is a frequent speaker, a contributing columnist, and an author of financial books and articles.
Preparation is the key to success in every stage of life, from grade school to college to entering the work force to marriage, and to retirement. The level of success depends largely on how well you prepare for the journey. This book is written to help retirees strategize and make the right choices in each phase of retirement -- Before, During & After.

The first four chapters of the book are written to help lay down a solid foundation for retirement -- making the right choices about your company retirement plan; deciding when to take social security benefits, planning for healthcare and preparing a retirement budget.

Once the foundation is secure and the financial landscape is in place, your retirement plan will need to be constantly monitored, pruned and maintained. Chapters five and six show how to plan for stable income and financial peace of mind during retirement while disinheriting the IRS from your retirement accounts.

The final chapters are about estate planning. They address the need for an estate plan, identify the common mistakes that people make in the settlement and administration of their estates and show how to avoid them.

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Price: $5.00 USD


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