About the Author: Vincent Gabriel
Vincent Gabriel is a business consultant who has written more than 40 books on doing business in the F&B industry and on human resource management.

I am sure Success in the Seafood Eateries, will encourage more people to get into the seafood retail business. This is not my intention. Already the limits to the seafood eateries have been reached:
Too many areas have been over-fished
The fish, at the top of the food chain are being driven out of their usual feeding grounds because of over-fishing.
Far too much consumption on particular types of seafood like reef fish, sharks. abalone and tuna have not been good for the environment
The solution lies in fish and prawn cultivation. China is leading the world in this aspect but more needs to be done:
Fish is an extremely rich source of needed protein.
The fishermen who used to live on in-shore and reef fishing have to be provided with jobs at these new fish farms.
Fish from farms should give the ocean a chance to recover the effects of over-fishing.
Fresh-water fish farming should be pushed harder and the great rivers, the small rivers, the lakes and the ponds should be re-stocked. Re-stocking is like re-forestation.
Today half the paper used in the world is from sustainable forest and the same can be done with sustainable fishery.
When this book helps to restore the balance between fishing and fish-life, then I will consider this Seafood Eateries: Success a real success.