
In "Succession," a riveting tale unfolds from a startling premise: What if Queen Elizabeth II was illegitimately on the British throne? A gripping story begins on September 6, 1997, as billions witness Princess Diana's funeral. Meanwhile, Dr. Emma Parks, an unsuspecting surgical resident in New Jersey, finds her mundane day spiral into chaos. After saving a life unexpectedly, receiving a cryptic call, and facing suspension, her ordinary life turns extraordinarily dangerous. A killer looms, aiming to silence her as she unravels a royal secret potentially upending history. Reviewed in Cayman Airways magazine, this thrilling narrative mixes historical intrigue with suspenseful fiction.

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About the Author: Douglas Schofield
Douglas Schofield was raised and educated in British Columbia, where he earned degrees in History and Law. Over the next four decades, he worked as a trial lawyer in Canada, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands. During those years, he prosecuted and defended hundreds of cases of serious crimes, and at one point held the position of Assistant Solicitor General in the Cayman Islands Government.
Although Douglas dabbled in creative writing for many years, Flight Risks was his first novel, published while he was fully engaged in his legal career. Enthusiastic reader feedback clearly justified the publisher’s initial reaction. A January 2011 review in Victoria Times-Colonist, a leading daily newspaper in Western Canada, described Flight Risks as:
“…a fast-paced snappy thriller … utterly believable … The resolution, while something of a surprise, is absolutely satisfying”
Over the years since then, Douglas has published five more novels and one well-received work of non-fiction. The latter, Giovanni’s Ring – My Life Inside The Real Sopranos, was the result of his collaboration with Giovanni Rocco, a former FBI undercover officer who infiltrated the New Jersey crime family known to law enforcement as “the true Sopranos.”
Which brings us to Douglas Schofield’s most recent novel.
The Last Viracocha, was released in December, 2024, and it is very much a different story from all his previous work. Its science-fiction / alien-contact premise is a significant departure of genre from his previous work. But The Last Viracocha is one he felt driven to write due to the currently calamitous state of our planet.
What if... Queen Elizabeth II had no legal right to the British throne?

What if... The Queen's entire line, all the way back to George III's fifteen children, was... illegitimate?

SUCCESSION is based on a little known historical fact.


Across the world, two-and-a-half billion people sit glued to the broadcast of Princess Diana's funeral. In Bayonne, New Jersey, surgical resident Dr. Emma Parks watches the somber proceedings over her morning coffee, then hurries to get ready for work. Today's shift, she expects, will be no different from any other... fixing broken bodies, one emergency at a time. But Emma couldn't be more wrong. Today, she'll discover a lover's betrayal. Today she'll save a man's life using a procedure she was never trained for. Today she'll receive a mysterious call from a man riding in a London taxi. And, before the day is out, she'll be suspended from her job.

But that's just today...

Tomorrow, a very determined killer will try to end her life.

Emma Parks always figured her life was pretty ordinary. She's about to discover how extraordinary it really is.

'Succession' was reviewed in the May/June 2014 issue of Cayman Airways in-flight magazine (p. 16):

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