Survival Manual for Elders: Encouraging Elders' Resiliency Potential

This book guides seniors and caregivers through aging challenges, offering informed decisions and care goals for optimal functionality. A collaborative effort from healthcare and legal professionals covers dignity, health, symptom management, cognitive issues, rehabilitation, and more. It shines a light on medication safety, mental health, illness complications, legal directives, and healthcare finances, demystifying the complex choices in the US healthcare system for seniors and their caregivers.

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About the Author: Melanie Adair
Melanie Adair, M.A., has a background in pioneering cutting edge rehabilitation programs for those with cognitive deficits, traumatic brain injuries, pediatric programs, and elders. She has worked extensively in the area of elder well-being, spiritual development of older adults, and innovative elder living environments to assist people in maximizing their independence and quality of life. A speech/language pathologist and cognitive therapist, she has a strong commitment to bettering the potential for elders in our society through training others to implement the principles of the Culture Change and Sage Movements.

Joe B. Adair, PhD. has done extensive training of rehabilitation professionals, has worked with elders in rehabilitation settings, and has done ongoing research in the factors that result in elder well-being. With a background in clinical audiology and psychoneuroimmunology, he has assisted people all over the country in understanding the ways the mind and body work together to create health and well-being. He is an active advocate for older adults, working to assure they have an opportunity to bounce back, contribute, and live life fully. He is actively involved in Culture Change through the Sage Movement.

N. Kortner Nygard, Ph.D. is a certified Eden Trainer and Eden Mentor and has headed groups working with the Eden Alternative to transform long term care for elders. A clinical psychologist with a geriatric specialty, he has worked to find new answers for resolving the negative psychological impact that Ageism and failure to believe elders can bounce back often has on older adults. An experienced trainer, he has worked with groups around the country to understand the ways they can implement Culture Change.

Melanie and Joe Adair and N. Kortner Nygard are partners in New Senior Concepts, Inc. LLC, a training and consulting group dedicated to Culture Change. They manage Summit View, an innovative Senior Community in Chattanooga, TN where residents "bounce back" and enjoy the adventure life still offers. Together they have also authored Why Has God Let Me Live This Long?: a story of finding the meaning and purpose of a long life, and The Sage Movement: replacing ageism with sageism - a call for culture change
Helps seniors and their caregivers successfully navigate the challenges of aging, make informed decisions, and focus on individualized goals of care to promote resiliency and maximum functional potential. A team of physicians, nurses, social workers, psychologists, therapists, chaplains, business and legal experts collaborate on topics such as dignity, health promotion, care choices, common symptoms, medication safety, cognitive and mental health concerns, illness complications, rehabilitation, and recuperation. Discussions of legal advance directives and healthcare finances are particularly helpful in clarifying the maze of choices facing seniors and their caregivers as they negotiate our US industrial, financial, and healthcare complex.

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Price: $4.99 USD


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