Surviving Out of Your Backpack: A Guide to Survival

"Surviving out of your Backpack" offers essential guidance for long-term survival, transcending a basic 'Bug out Bag' setup. It covers using essentials, hunting, trapping, field dressing, shelter construction, and weathering harsh conditions. Additionally, it delves into processing game for nutrition, tanning hides for clothing, and understanding animal tracks to avoid sickness. Aimed at North American wildlife, from the south to Alaska, this compact and powerful guide ensures you're prepared to sustain life indefinitely. A must-have for anyone serious about survival.

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About the Author: David Skipworth
Being an avid outdoorsman, camper, hunter, guide and outfitter and professional horseman, David Skipworth is sharing 48 years of experience with the general public. Throughout these years, Skipworth has shared this wealth of knowledge and experience with many of his friends, clients and students with hands on training in the rough and rugged Rocky Mountains. With adventures from Colorado to Montana trekking on trails only elk and big horn sheep would travel.

These adventures have been a part of Skipworth’s life since he was a young boy being raised on a farm. Living off the land and hunting food was just a way of life. Before he was 12 years old; he was going on camping trips alone for weeks at a time. It was a goal to find the most secluded place where there were no people. The fewer people the more game, the more fish and the bigger the adventure. As a young boy Skipworth began to hone his skills as a hunter, fisherman, tracker and becoming one with the outdoors.

As Skipworth grew so did his passion for the great outdoors. The creeks, rivers and ponds that he grew up with were no longer challenging enough. His adventures began to extend past the southern states that he was raised up in. It was like some invisible force drawing him, calling him to find that far away place where no man had been before. The first time he laid eyes on the magnificent Rocky Mountains; he was captivated by the unknown adventures that were ahead.

The vast terrain and the depths of the territory and land fueled the fire that burned within him. The fire and passion for the great outdoors was greater than ever before. With this vast wilderness came bigger and more powerful animals. The passion for hunting became more than just killing for food. It became a passion to study these animals. How they lived and where they traveled and why they did the things they did, all became questions that needed to be answered.

During this time animals such as deer, elk, beaver, bear, big horn sheep, Rocky Mountain sheep and other animals of the wilderness became subjects for understanding the great outdoors. It was deeper than a passion; it became a kinship with these animals. Every one of them did things for a reason; mostly for their own survival. The tracks and sign they left were all different and had a language all their own. It became a mind game; thinking like the animal, moving like the animal, seeing like the animal, becoming like the animal. This brought understanding and knowledge that only the animal itself could teach. Skipworth’s passion for understanding these animals became the foundation that he needed and transferred to training horses.

Training horses became a greater passion and a way to make a good living. It became a goal and challenge for Skipworth to understand what went on inside the mind of these magnificent creatures. He would sit for hours watching wild horses as they communicated with each other and learned their language and their instinctual behavior. Skipworth brought much of what he had learned from the horses into his training program and it proved to be successful. The horses reacted in ways as if they knew exactly what Skipworth was saying. This training extended into the wilderness bringing Skipworth, the horses and wild animals together. Teaching the horses not to fear these strange animals it had never seen and traveling on horseback made the research and following the animals much easier.

With all of this came the art of surviving in the wilderness. The art of making shelters, finding food and water, how to beat the elements of weather and the disappearing into the vast wilderness became a way of life filled with excitement and peace.
This book helps to prepare your backpack with essentials that will give you the advantage needed to survive. It will show you how to use these important essentials in time of need. This book explains different animals for food, cooking and preservation. It explains hunting skills, trapping, skinning and field dressing game meat for the nutrition needed to survive. It explains how to build shelters, fires and how to beat the elements of harsh weather. This book explains how to dress and clean game, how to cut up the game meat and how to preserve the meat for long term usage. This book explains how to tan hides to be used for clothing and shelters. This book talks about animals and what to look for to prevent sickness or disease. It shows tracks of important animals and what they look like for tracking. This book discuses animals from the southern part of North America to Canada and Alaska.

Being a simple guide for a "Bug out Bag" is not the purpose of this book. However, having such a bag is of great importance when talking about survival for you and your family. This book goes much farther than helping you to transform a simple backpack into a life saving instrument of necessity. "Surviving out of your Backpack" is a survival guide that will sustain you and your family's life when all else fails.

"Surviving out of your Backpack" is more than just a quick fix for survival; it is for sustaining life as long as you need it.

This book was intentionally written to be short and compact for the purpose of carrying in your backpack without causing a lot of weight. This book is like a stick of dynamite; it's small but packs a lot of power. The main focus of this book is to SURVIVE! It is a MUST HAVE BOOK!

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Price: $3.99 USD


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