The Answer - Improve Your Life By Asking Better Questions

Looking to enhance your life? "The ANSWER" isn't your typical self-help guide. It emphasizes how resourceful you truly are, offering a unique method to shift your focus and become more empowered. Covering various life issues like career, relationships, and finance, this book teaches a simple but effective questioning technique for better decision-making. Dive into this easy read and discover the power of asking the right questions to improve your life and those around you. Start your journey to improvement today and witness swift, remarkable results!

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About the Author: Lindsay Tighe
Lindsay Tighe is a successful and highly regarded speaker, businesswoman, author and coach who is passionate about inspiring people to improve their own lives and the lives of others. Her unique blend of experience with life, the corporate world, establishing and running her own business, formal qualifications and genuine love of people give her the ability to inspire and really make a difference to others. In this book she shares the wisdom gained from her life's journey (so far!) with real passion, compassion and a desire to make the world a better place.

Described as inspirational, wise and intuitive, Lindsay lives and breathes the philosophy that if you ask a better question you will get a better answer. She is committed to changing the world by helping people to have more empowered thoughts and conversations with each other in order to tap into their own wisdom.

Lindsay holds an MBA from Macquarie Graduate School of Management and regularly speaks at a variety of functions. She has appeared on Channel 7's Sunrise and Morning Show programs and has been featured in national publications such as Woman's Day, Good Health & Medicine, New Idea and the Qantas In-flight Magazine.

Lindsay lives in Melbourne, Australia with her husband Michael and two little dogs, Wilson and Becky.
If you are looking for answers on how to improve your life then this book will help you find them! No, this not another self help book with a prescriptive 'how to' live your life, it goes way beyond that.

With the overriding premise that YOU are far more resourceful than you give yourself credit or indeed time for, The ANSWER demonstrates how you can shift your focus, become more empowered and resourceful.

The ANSWER provides an insightful and simple way to finding better answers and solutions to your individual issues. Whether you have career, relationship or financial issues (or any other 'life' issues for that matter) The ANSWER will help you make the right decisions.

In this easy to read book, you will learn a simple, yet extremely effective questioning technique that you'll be able to use immediately and to great effect, not only to ask yourself better questions, but also to use with others to ultimately provide the opportunity to improve the lives of everyone you interact with.

Start reading today and be amazed at the results and how quickly they can be achieved!

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Price: $7.99 USD


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