The Call of Spiritual Emergency: From Personal Crisis to Personal Transformation

Explore the fascinating journey of personal transformation, often mistaken for mental illness, through compelling narratives. This book, ideal for those interested in yoga, meditation, and addiction recovery, advocates for empathy over medication. If spiritual experiences leave you bewildered, find solace in these pages. Written by an experienced psychologist, it serves as a guide through spiritual awakening, distinguishing between breakdowns and breakthroughs. Understand your experiences and embrace a higher level of functioning.

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About the Author: Emma Bragdon
Emma Bragdon, PhD, is the Director of the Foundation for Energy Therapies ( She is also the author/editor of six books and co-producer of two documentary films on themes related to spiritual emergency, spiritual healing and optimal wellness. She has been in private practice since 1988, after gaining her doctorate in psychology.

Since 2001 she has been exploring the resources of Brazil's Spiritual traditions, particularly the use of medical intuitives in helping individuals recover from mental illness and integrate their spiritual experiences

Bragdon is a consultant for individuals and groups incorporating spirituality into integrative healthcare. The Foundation for Energy Therapies is dedicated to education and research.
A feast of revealing narratives expose the amazing story of how people deal with critical points in personal transformation, also known as spiritual emergency. With the increase of interest in yoga, meditation, mental health recovery, and recovery from addiction there is renewed interest in care that is not based on medication as much as empathy and compassionate companionship. This book helps anyone who doesn't have a language to understand intense inner experiences and confuses them with mental illness.

If you have felt disoriented by intense spiritual experiences this book will help you understand where you are and where you may be heading. It is a map of the journey of spiritual awakening written by a psychologist who knows the territory well. Reading it may make the difference between heading off to the hospital to get drugs to stop the symptoms or staying home and knowing you are OK.

Just because you have had a conversation with your spirit guide, or talked to the spirit of someone who has passed away doesn't mean you are having a breakdown. It could mean you are having a breakthrough to a higher level of functioning. The author is a psychologist and knows the territory.

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Price: $9.99 USD


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