This groundbreaking book delves into the CIA's role in JFK's assassination, exposing detailed records of the plot. It reveals how the military-intelligence complex, threatened by Kennedy post-Cuban Missile Crisis, aligned with the Deep State, leading to impactful events including the Ukraine War. Additionally, it explores the enigmatic UFO phenomenon, analyzing cases and exposing intelligence agencies' involvement. A compelling read, it uncovers shocking truths and connects historical dots with remarkable insight.

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About the Author: Gerald Eastwood
Gerald Eastwood is a Researcher and a Writer. He handles high-concept topics that have far-reaching implications.
This book is light years ahead of any counterparts. In fact, it is one-of-a-kind. It is a page-turner.

It provides shocking details about the CIA-sponsored assassination of JFK. The CIA kept a very accurate and detailed record of the plans and progress being made for the assassination right up to the date and time including telephone calls and meetings.

Elements in the military-industrial-intelligence complex wanted Kennedy killed because he was threatening to put them out of business! The Cuban Missile Crisis, the closest the world has ever come to nuclear war, spurred him to do this. As a result he developed an ancient enemy, the Deep State as we know it.

This Deep State apparatus also engineered a coup many years later with devastating results – the current Ukraine War. We delve deeply into their modus operandi.

Finally we discuss the major topic, once the background and foreground are understood. This is the mysterious UFO Phenomenon which has occurred worldwide since World War II. Every type of case is explored and analyzed. The participation of the Pentagon, the NSA, the DIA and other intelligence groups are pursued and brought to light. Some of the strangest cases in the world are reviewed. The truth is astounding.

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Price: $3.99 USD


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