The Coming Healthcare Revolution: Take Control of Your Health

The healthcare landscape is transforming, largely due to Obamacare. This shift will affect everyone, gradually but surely. It's crucial now more than ever to take charge of your health, ask questions, and work closely with your physician. Being an educated patient or advocate is key to navigating the intricate healthcare system, avoiding pitfalls, and making informed decisions. This book compiles essential health pearls from a series, covering medical errors, the importance of medical history, risk analysis, health screening, and timely symptom evaluation. Get prepared and take control of your health journey.

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About the Author: Sheldon Cohen M.D.
A graduate of the University Of Illinois College Of Medicine, the author has practiced internal medicine, served as a medical director of The Alexian Brother's Medical Center of Northwest Suburban Chicago and as medical director of two managed care organizations: Cigna Healthplan of Illinois and Humanicare Plus of Illinois. The author taught internal medicine and physical diagnosis to medical students from Loyola University Stretch School of Medicine and the Chicago Medical School, served as a consultant for Joint Commission Resources of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, did quality consultations at hospitals in the United States, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Copenhagen, Denmark, and served as a consultant to the Ministry of Health in Ukraine assisting them in the development of a hospital accrediting body. The author lectures to lay audiences on Risk Factor Analysis, Early Detection and Prevention, Symptoms Never to Ignore, The Prevention of Medical Errors, How to Take Charge of Your Own Healthcare, The Perfect Prescription, Hormones nerves and stress and other topics of a medical nature.

Dr. Cohen is the author of eighteen books.
The healthcare Genie is out of the bottle. Obamacare, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will impact every one of you. These changes will come slowly and inexorably, but regardless of who is in power, you need to be prepared. It will be more important than ever to take control of your health. You are the boss; the decisions are yours. You must question and question again. The best result comes from collaboration between a patient and physician who, working as a team, reach a final well-researched decision. There is nothing more important than an educated patient or patient's advocate to navigate through the complicated hills and valleys of healthcare laden with unsuspected booby traps. Education is the key. This book, a combination of four of my Slim Book of Health Pearls series, describes: the pervasive problem of medical errors and how you can play a part in their prevention; the components and importance of a complete medical history and physical examination; the importance of risk factor analysis and health screening; and the critical importance of never delaying the evaluation of an unexplained symptom. Be prepared!