The Crafty Poet II: A Portable Workshop

"The Crafty Poet II," a comprehensive guide to enhancing poetic craft, is divided into ten insightful sections, starting with "Revising Your Process." It covers entryways into poems, the art of choosing the right words, and leveraging syntax and spacing. The book delves into adding complexity, transforming poems, and explores special forms and sequences drawing on art and history. The final chapter on revision offers unique strategies beyond typical advice. Each of the ten sections features three craft tips from accomplished poets, followed by a Model poem, a Prompt, two Sample poems, and a Q&A, concluding with a Bonus Prompt for creative inspiration.

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About the Author: Diane Lockward
Diane Lockward is the editor of The Crafty Poet II: A Portable Workshop (Terrapin Books, 2016) and the original The Crafty Poet: A Portable Workshop (rev. ed., Terrapin Books, 2016). She is the author of four poetry books, most recently The Uneaten Carrots of Atonement. Her poems have appeared in Harvard Review, Southern Poetry Review, Prairie Schooner, and elsewhere. Her awards include the Quentin R. Howard Poetry Prize, a NJ State Council on the Arts poetry fellowship, and a Woman of Achievement Award. Her work has appeared on Poetry Daily, Verse Daily, and The Writer’s Almanac. She is the publisher and editor of Terrapin Books.
The Crafty Poet II is organized into ten sections, beginning with "Revising Your Process." That section is followed by one on "Entryways into Poems" which considers how a poet might get going with a poem and how a poet might pull in a reader with humor and enticing titles. There is in-depth discussion of the importance of choosing the right words; using syntax, line breaks, and spacing to advantage; and enhancing the music of poems. There is a meaty section on how to add complication to your poems, another on how to divert or transform your poems from their original intention, and another on special forms of poems. In "Expanding the Material" three poets consider how to write poetic sequences using paintings, photographs, and history. The final section, "Revision," moves beyond the usual advice to "get rid of adjectives" as one poet offers ways to revise via sound, another offers a series of expansion strategies, and, finally, poet Dick Allen issues a warning against excessive revision.

All ten sections include three craft tips, each provided by an experienced, accomplished poet. Each of these thirty craft tips is followed by a Model poem and a Prompt based on the poem. Each model poem is used as a mentor, expressing the underlying philosophy of the book that the best teacher of poetry is a good poem. Each prompt is followed by two Sample poems which suggest the possibilities for the prompts and should provide for good discussion about what works and what doesn't. Each section includes a Poet on the Poem Q&A about the craft elements in one of the featured poet's poems. Each section concludes with a Bonus Prompt, each of which provides a stimulus on those days when you just can't get your engine started.

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Price: $11.99 USD


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