About the Author: Roshi Bharat
While writing about the sages of antiquity, I was aware of the readership and challenges that I had to face. First and foremost was how to let humanity know about the sages who discovered the so-called modern day findings and beyond. These sages had no religion. They belonged to humanity, belonged to the Vedic Period (before 4500 years) and were followers of the Vedas (Wisdom of God). A book about the challenges and triumphs of the modern quest for the deepest laws of nature is not something one can imagine from a novice of the modern day. This book takes on such the abstract subject with the intention of emphasizing the modern science discovered long ago by ancient sages located in Bharat (modern day India), Tibet, parts of Burma, Pakistan, and parts of China.
It is hard to break pre-existing beliefs and knowledge which we have gained in our schools and colleges or have been spoon-fed since birth. While reading, I request readers to withhold judgment and continue with the journey step-by-step to know real Vedic dharma (A true religion of humanity), otherwise called the Wisdom of Rishis, and explored by sages of antiquity. This might cater to an even smaller audience, but this doesn’t particularly bother me.
I told myself frequently, and no doubt with a touch of melodrama, if I reached one person and that one person can get the message that I want to convey, I will consider my hard work a success. If the message I introduce brings readers to a new spectrum of ideas, a new way of thinking about themselves and their ancestors and their place in this cosmos, that will be enough. This is true whether it is a young student trying to decide on a direction of study, a young professional and student of science, or an old scholar. It will have food for all of humanity.

THE CURE FOR GOD'S EPIDEMIC is a revolutionary book dedicated to last reformer of India who wanted to create a worldwide religious revolution. He was a saint and an intellectual warrior. By his name the minds of Priests, Acharyas, Pundits, and Mullahs tremble with fear. This book is based on logic and reasoning -a book which opens up Hinduism and sheds light on Islam and Christianity. This book will make you to think who you are and why you are on this planet. For Hindus it will be an eye opener as what they have been practicing so far and even practice today is not what Hindu Dharma is? This book is bound to touch your inner soul and mind.
The Book focuses for the first time in the History of religions on the following topics.
Is Ram, Krishna, Jesus, Allah, etc. a GOD or not?
Who is the True GOD and does GOD exists -a scientific approach?
Concept of GOD, Matter and Prana -i.e., the Life Force
What is True Spirituality?
How can all religions live in peace?
Theory of Karma from Scientific angle
How is the universe created?
How was the human created first?
What happens after death?
Why one should NOT marry with cousins or direct blood?
What the Universe is made up of?
Demolishing Big Bang Theory!
Unified Theory of Creation
Concept of Prana
What is Space?