The Full Articles of Impeachment Report: Impeachment of Donald J. Trump, President of the United States

Accusations of power abuse are at the heart of President Donald J. Trump's impeachment inquiry. Did his actions betray national interests or amount to corruption? This book examines the critical questions: Did Trump withhold military aid to Ukraine for personal gain? Were efforts made to pressure Ukraine covertly? Were potential evidences of wrongdoing obstructed? It challenges readers to weigh the facts against the framers' intent of impeachment. Is the U.S. a monarchy or a republic? Explore different perspectives on these pivotal issues.

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About the Author: Judiciary Committee House of Representatives
Muir Taylor has written political and spy novels, but nothing that has been written in the fiction world compares to the real facts that we read in this publication.
Abuse of power is among the accusations that have been leveled against President Donald J. Trump in the House Impeachment Articles. I invite you to look at all of the facts, read this report and be your own judge.

Were the abuse of power or betrayal of the national interest through foreign entanglements engaged in by the President? Did this rise to the level of corruption intended by the original framers of the Constitution?

The Ukraine needed our military funding due to a Russian invasion and occupation. Did the President withhold vitally needed funding to procure cooperation from the President of the Ukraine? Were Ukrainian officials aware that on the same day of the call that funding had been withheld? Did the President use other people to put pressure on the Ukraine during this process?

Were witnesses muzzled and documents denied that could have proven wrongdoing? Did President Trump order the OMB to freeze military assistance in July? Were public duties exploited for personal gain? Finally, the main question - did all of these facts in concert truly rise to the level of an impeachable offense? And the bottom line - is this nation a Monarchy or a Republic? Read on and you’ll see both sets of views – hidden in plain sight.

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