About the Author: Marti Eicholz
Marti Eicholz was born and reared in Indiana. She has graduate degrees in Education and Education Counseling. She was an Elementary School Teacher, Supervisor for Curriculum Development, Administrator of a Multi-‐Ethnic Middle School, and a University Instructor. She and her husband are now living in California, where her time is spent writing, reading, listening to music, researching human behavior, traveling and playing bridge.

Are you frustrated with the pace at which you live and despite the rapid pace, you don’t seem to be getting any closer to your dreams?
Do you exhibit any of these classic symptoms that indicate a life out of balance: anxiety, depression, irritability, insomnia, hopelessness, and even chronic physical ailments.
Are you wishing to establish a healthy lifestyle that will last a lifetime?
Then you are ready to hear the messages of the giant oak tree.
The giant oak has witnessed great strength, limitations, fears, courageous moments, love, hate, and disappointments.
The giant oak offers wisdom and solace. It buffers and shades from the storms of life. It has experienced the beginning phases of life and has endured, has flourished, and has triumphed over adversity.
This healthy oak tree is a loving presence that will lead you on an adventure, tapping the rich realms of your heart, mind, body and soul and guiding you toward balance, health, harmony, and love into your life.
Bring with you, nothing more than a pair of ears for listening, a mind willing to learn and an open heart. You will be given ongoing inspiration and the practical tools you need for the adventure.
Be prepared for stunning surprises and wondrous awakenings.