About the Author: Doug McAlister
Doug McAlister is the founder of The Bravo-Zulu Consulting Group, LLC. BZG focuses on helping people of all ages define their values, operating principles, mission and goals through The High Road Code process.
Doug is retired from both Procter & Gamble and Coca-Cola. He held various leadership positions in both companies which helped him develop The High Road Code process of direction setting and personal branding.
At Procter & Gamble he managed several Food and Beverage businesses in the Southeast, Midwest and West coast. Doug’s reputation as a talent identifier and people developer has allowed him to train and develop high performing sales managers for CPG companies around the U.S. His last sales team at Coca-Cola was the most diverse in the entire National Sales group and Doug credits much of the team’s success to the team’s ability to accept and try different approaches developed by this group.
During his 11 years at Coca-Cola, Doug became Vice President, Retail, Worldwide Military Sales and Export. He led a global retail and food service business with over 300 direct and indirect reports that generated $450MM+/year. The Coca-Cola Military team was known for delivering results (volume and GP business plan delivered 9/11 years). He also became a leader in the industry and served 2 terms as American Logistics Association Board Chairman. He also developed a strong working relationship with the Coca-Cola Bottling system which allowed Coca-Cola to offer national programming to the resale sys system—a first in the DSD industry!
While at P&G, Doug served as Sales Merchandising Manager for the Military Sales team. He worked with the Defense Commissary Agency and A.C. Neilsen to develop the first comprehensive study of shopper behavior and preferences in the military channel which led to major strategic changes for DeCA. Other highlights of Doug’s P&G career were leading the Food and Beverage Division’s Kroger business and assuming the role of Sales Manager for Cheer detergent.
Prior to his sales and marketing career, Doug was an assistant football coach at DePauw University and a Naval Officer serving on board the U.S.S. Robert L. Wilson (DD 847) as First Lieutenant and the U.S.S. Procyon (AF 61) as Gunnery Officer.
Education: B.A. DePauw University, Greencastle, IN 1969
M.A. Teaching, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN 1973
Honors and Awards:
--2010 Awarded American Logistics Association Lifetime Achievement Award.
--2008—Awarded International Food Service Executive Association Award of Excellence.
--Elected to American Logistics Association Board of Directors 10/03.
--Chairman of 2004 ALA Annual Convention Committee.
--ALA Treasurer, 2004.
--Elected Chairman of American Logistics Association Board of Directors 11/05-10/07 (2 Terms).
--Invited to testify before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee On Armed Services about military benefits in 2006 and 2007.
Civic activities include:
--Former Member of DePauw University Alumni Board of Directors
--Member of DePauw University Varsity ‘D” Association Board of Directors
--Former Member of Georgia USO Board of Directors
--Former Chairman of the American Youth Foundation Advisory Board
--Former member of Georgia Cystic Fibrosis Board of Directors
--Former Youth Football Coach
Doug has been married for 45 years to Nancy McAlister, they enjoy two adult children (Maggie and Tom), and 3 grandchildren who live, work and grow in Southern California and Austin, TX.

The High Road Code is your guide to creating a more satisfying personal and business life!
Are you ready to get on a winning path in your life and career? The High Road Code is a book about ethics, personal branding, leadership in action and more. Taking the High Road isn’t just about making principle-based choices. It’s also about challenging yourself to be a fierce but honorable competitor who:
-- Develops and maintains a distinctive personal brand
-- Excels in his or her chosen field
-- Creates, develops and leads exceptional teams
-- Deftly handles office politics, common pitfalls and career changes
-- Builds a reputation for excellence that opens innumerable doors
-- Applies these same skills to enhance his or her family and social life.
The High Road Code is a short, direct guide to improving your business and personal life.
The process of cracking the High Road Code detailed in this book includes:
-- Understanding your personal integrity and ethical code (and how those factors interact with any formal codes that may be used in your job).
-- Creating your list of personal values.
-- Developing your personal mission statement.
-- Creating a vision of your leadership style.
-- Understanding and leveraging the “customer matrix” for your business and social roles.
-- Creating a plan for assessing a new work group that you are or will be leading.
-- A list of “guidelines for the High Road Traveler that will promote, market and sell your brand and help you achieve your goals.