The Icy Fire of Deception

Suspense/mystery short stories have captivated readers ever since Poe invented the genre, with de Maupassant, Conan Doyle, and Hitchcock elevating it. These narratives are known for their compelling drive, motivation, and vivid characters, distinguishing themselves from mainstream stories with introverted protagonists. This collection presents eight tales featuring diverse heroes, nuanced villains, and characters with morally complex motives. Delve into stories where characters linger in memory, showcasing the genre’s enduring appeal.

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About the Author: Mike Trial
Mike Trial has lived in many cities across the United States and overseas. He now makes his home in Columbia, Missouri. This is his second short story collection and fifth book.
Ever since Poe invented it, de Maupassant perfected it, Arthur Conan Doyle immortalized it, and Alfred Hitchcock televised it, the suspense / mystery short story has become one of the most popular forms of literature.

Whether we love the characters or hate them, we remember them. Which is more than can be said for the introverted protagonists of far too many mainstream short stories. The suspense / mystery story pulls us quickly along with its narrative drive, sharp motivation, and colorful characters. In the following eight stories you'll meet heroes of varying shades of white, villains not always in black, and characters with consciences every color in between.

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Price: $5.99 USD


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